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09 October 2019: AVARE meeting in Berlin

On the 9th and 10th of October the project partners of AVARE met in Berlin for the second project meeting. Topics discussed were the status of each work package, current results of the different project partners and an overview on already published papers in the AVARE project. The participating partners also collected topics for further research and discussed next project steps.

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Fachhochschule Münster

Institut für Nachhaltige Ernährung (iSuN)

Corrensstraße 25

48149 Münster

Tel. +49 251 83-65570


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The project AVARE "Adding value in resource effective food systems" is a transnational project of the ERA-Net SUSFOOD2, funded by national funding agencies – Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Germany, The Research Council of Norway and Formas, The Swedish Research Council – and co-funded by the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.